Aku punya impian yang sekalinya aku ungkapkan, orang pertama yang menghancurkan impian itu adalah orang tuaku. Tapi aku tahu bahwa mereka berharap agar aku bermimpi lebih tinggi dan realistis.
Hari ini, mata kuliah perdanaku adalah Ekonometrika 1. Ekmet1 yang diampub oleh Pak Elan adalah makul pilihan yang bisa dibilang makul yg di dunia ekbis tergolong momok. Aku merasa terpanggil aja. Satu semster nggak ketemu sama mkul Matematika Ekonomi dan Statistika rasanya... ada yang kurang. Akhirnya nekad aku ambil makul ini. Dari 60 kursi hanya ada 20 mahasiswa. Hmm apakah akan lolos di tahap ini? Akankah semulus dan menggaraihkan seperti duduk di makul Matek mbak Sekar yang so challenging, fun, and cool at the same time?
Aku tidak tahu kenapa. Berulang kali orang2 menngklaim kelas itu berat aku semakin tertarik. Am I escaping from the mainstream of the accountants such as the prestige of becoming an auditor, banker, and whatsoever? Yet, I think those are great career. However, I have my own dream. If I could learn higher, I would love to learn Economics taht are more human. And that inspiration comes up just after I attended an open lecture by Mr. Elan last semester. He opened up my mind tht economics is so wide. I could imagine beyond the inflation, fiat money, accounting journals, just by listening to his presentation. I found humanities behind. I found so much inspiration in it. he really triumphs my unspoken dreams.
I just enjoyed an hour class with him today. He gives me hope. Nevertheless, I sometimes found some people discourage me with such pessimism on my mind. Yes, i found spirit in certain classes which I couldnt while I was in Intermediate Accounting II when the lecture really dropped my mood. Meanwhile, Mr. Elan was acting the best, driving me towards the peak of hope. He told me that even the accountants, managers, and everything run in the business rely on microeconomic data. And, econometric is one of the best tool to get through.
And jsut today, having another class of Accounting Information System with a new high spirit face from a fresh Ph.D. grad I was highly motivated though at some extend I was freely dropped at the same time. He asked the students about the life planning. And you know what, I have to tell people I have to declare always this abnormal-sounded dream of a mainstream accounting student. Just mention becoming an auditor, a banker, whatsoever. I dream that I can be a mastery of the economic data researcher in the fields of accounting and business. How can I come up with this? Does it mean that I'm not in my right track? Who's gonna decide who and where is the right track? You setthe dream, you search for the roads, and God will guide you the dream land with so many ways we neve know how. I am accounting student and I know financial accounting, auditing, and so many things in the relevbant business sector. Thus, I know I will have the same chance to learn what becomes my prefer beyond how it appears to be. I know even when the lecture was upset that the class wouldnt listen to such crazy thought and they might notice what a stupid silly accounting student's dream. I don not care. I do not want to be falling for the second time just because others doubt me. So, I tell my self, be tough.
John Nash and the Beautiful Mind has become a great inspiration. Mbak Sekar who challenges me in the classroom as well as my professionalism outside (as becoming a committee for a faculty event) really taught me so much life lesson. I feel thankful for that. And I do hope that even if she had been disappointed once for my fault, I wish i could be someone she will be proud of in the future for she has been a great teacher. I still have so much to work on, to be more specific and to hold on with this dream. But, I still havent decided where. But I vividly remember while I was a junior high school, I told people I want to go to Harvard. Or, at least, Princeton and other place where math, economics, and humanities can stand together is always my dream place.
I cannot say this to the class since someone next to you who presents in the class not you-yourself. I would say it perhaps if i talk by my own. But, I dont need it anymore.Even when people dont care or even insult my idea. It doesnt matter. I need God, instead, to listen and guide me through the way.