lovely picture

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Perspectives of Creating Unity

Philosophical Thoughts, Paradigm, and Transformation

I have been thinking of joining this seminar conducted by One Asia Foundation on Tuesday, January 28, 2013 at Faculty of Cultural Sciences-UGM on the other day that ‘mbak I’ and I have talked about. Humanitarian science is interesting to me, especially that they will talk upon the Asian Community Development within  the social and cultural approach. Moreover, what could be better than visiting Sapardi Djoko Damono’s past place of study? Besides, it has been very boring talking about AEC in the context of Economics over and over again.

Hmmm it seems that this seminar’s gonna be a very long one. I looked up at the schedule that the committee sent me the night before. 7.30-17.30. They must be kidding, in my thought. But this is not a usual opportunity, why dont I give it a try?

Thinking about Asian Community or the ASEAN Community in 2015, there is a tendency of creating one community, extremely a borderless world. This is interesting, the trend of exchanging students here and there, and the rapid growth in social media has been creating a world without border. An information in one part of the world is rapidy interchanged throughout the internet.  Digital era has been amazingly restored and disseminated so much information throughout the cloud computing.

I felt relief seeing some friends were also there. Ana, Dewi (Jinni), Galuh were there at least since mbak I didnt come finally due to her internship. Ah, I saw Arina as well. It was a long while since we met at the community, a writing community. This makes me feel so old though and so much changes have been going on. Well, dynamism is part of self improvement and determination its self.

Mr. Yoji Sato-One Asia Foundation
I have not known anything about One Asia Foundation. But, Mr. Yoji Sato introduced us with this foundation. I’ll share what I resumed during the seminar. I might not be able to catch up every single thing but I tried my best to get the main point. One Asia Foundation is a voluntary-based and independet institution which has three basic principles-egalitarian, no barriers, and no politics. 

Btw, you know what, I thought Mr. Sato would talk in English. Indeed he did greet us in English but then, he admired me by delivering smeinar in Japanese. I love the way Japanese talk anyway. Nice accent. Plus, I always admire ther philosophical thought. Sadly I could catch only some words that wouldnt make sense at all. Good thing that there was a translator who helped us. I heard that not so many people in Japan intend to master English due to their high nationalism in their own language. However, his deep motivation and good will to unite people with the same vision take him here, creating this foundation that spread out across the continents. He assumed that Asian community doesn’t mean that it should close any relationship within other countries outside, instead, that the Asian community relates and will always closely connect with other countries. Thats why he welcome Russia, US, Turky, etc. as part of One Asia Foundation. 

His motivation was driven also by the spirit of former president Soekarno. Historically, Soekarno also initiated Konferensi Asia Afrika-KAA in 1955. Then the reunion of KAA in 2005 showed an increase number of countries participating there. 

The unique method of One Asia is that they offer an open learning access and that they seem to  be sincerely visiting here and there to build the ties and cooperation in the exchange of knowledge through offering coursess from all over the world. See, this seminar is also fee and they said it’s an indepently funded, so.. They have been doing cooperation with many universities across the world. In Indonesia, One Asia has UGM, ITB, and UPI as the pioneer universities offering this program of multidisciplinary courses. Anyway, I am still looking for the information of the courses being offered here ever since I have not heard it before. 

The concept of courses offered here are omnibus style (serial and multidiscipline), independency, and credit transferrable to the home university (this one is good point that our university will count the credit of taking the course via One Asia).  There are three barriers that overcome (threat analysis) which include ego (self), company-organization, and nation-race. Our ego, is a self barrier that we overcome differences (any way this shouldnt be considred as threat, i guess? Weakness I thought). Company here is the threat from the economic interest. The condition of two competing companies from different countries will probably affect the cooperation of the two countries. Recently, due to the conflict in Syria, the access of a learning open source based in US became inaccessible to students from Syria. Isn’t that quite interesting, huh? Politics and economics ineterst sometimes become nonsense boundary. Mr. Sato emphasized on how shall we graduate throuh the three boundaries isn’t that we eradicate each boundary. Instead, we breakthrough and learn through all the boundaries. 

Then, the question is how to pass those barriers? He made this analogy. An apple with its outer skin of multidisciplines: economics, politics, education, health, law, science, and so on. Then inside the apple is stack of layers which consist of self ego, human being, life, and ultimate substance (correspondingly from outer to inner part of the apple). The analogy of an apple means that the complexity of the multidiscipline problem is just an skinned problems that should be loooked through the layers. Those problems can be solved as we pass through the layers of boundaries. 

Another analogy he picked was a big tree. Sometimes, people look a problem at what is visible. They only see a tree from itts appearnace, the flowers, the leaves, and the tigs whiich are only the surface that would probably cahnge overtime. They don’t see the fundamental problem inside, the roots of the problems. If we think this tree is ourself. Those changes might make us feel sick. Indeed, there are invsible part to be considered essential. There needs to be balance in coping with the tangible and intangible matters.

What do you think of a baby? Does a baby have a self ego? No. According to the researches the body is not the same as self ego. A baby doesnt own a self ego. This research was carried by Friederich II (1194-1250) and Amala&Camala (1920). Friederich was a Holy Roman Empire, King of Sicily who did experiment over several babies. Those babies were not named. You know what happened then,all those babies without name died at the age of 12. Do you not believe? Lets do a trial on our babies. Dont name them and see whats gonna happen.. :D (surely he was kidding)

According to Mr. Sato, baby is a crucial stage. At the age of 0-10 months a baby is figuring out the self ego. Self formation starts by giving the name. That is why a baby would smile when you call out her name since she has been doctrinized by the environment calling the name over and over.

Human has the opposite meaning to self ego. Ego is self-individual thinking and perspective. Meanwhile, human... Humanity is what we see ourselves as a collective of individu. The basic reason of unity is that we are human..

Oh maaan, it’s still long way of finishing the summary. There are still so many sessions and I think I wont finish reblog it tonight. Typing is tiring, huh. So, I will continue later on when I found the mood hehe.

From this perspective, actually I have another deep thought that is quite in line with spirituality. Don’t we realize that even before the creation of European Union, OPEC, sistercity, Asian Community, or anything alike, muslim has built a borderless brotherhood? When those speakers in front of me are talking about how should awareness be built between the countries in terms of social, economic, security, and politics, I have been thinking that there is certainly no border upon muslimhood.. This is probably out of topic. But honestly this is a beautiful thinking. Thats a very nice thought about Islam. How we are all the same. What makes us different is not what seems visible. Our obedience and somewhat invisible are what become essential. This is very beautiful, isn’t it?

*I tried participating once.. I was admired by the anthropologist Prof. Heddy Shri Ahimsaputra. I asked but didnt get a chance to discuss with him :( anyway Dewi said I had a good voice, really? Good one as of being an emcee-master of ceremony. Indeed I used to be, at least every Monday morning during elemntary school hahaha

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

diam adalah bahasa

terkadang diam adalah bahasa pilihanku
diam adalah bahasa paling manusiawi
di mana aku menemukan ketenangan
bahasa tanpa kata
pelita yang menyalakan sumbu jiwa
adakah kau melihat nyala kecilnya

Friday, January 24, 2014

Tanda Tanya

Hei, apa kabar hidupmu? Sudah sampai manakah kau melangkah? Sudahkah perjalanan ini menguatkanmu?


Semester Enam ^_^


Friday is always special. This afternoon, I went back to my old high school just like usual. I always found that strength. I found a renaissance spirit seeing their lively young faces. We watched the dream visualization from a an alumni of IPB. So, here I am creating my short-term dreams for the upcoming semester.

Good news, I made it on my Man. Accounting! Thank You Allah.. Well I know my attitude will reflect on everything motivation and the grades.. Yet it's still hardwork for me to stabilize the good mood. Cheers, and gudluck for the next term!!! Carpedium et nocturn. Seize the day and the night.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hadiah DPA "Niat-Do the Best-Relief"

Pekan lalu, akhirnya ketemu dosen pembimbing akademik! Such a relief.. Alhamdulillaah akhirnya anak jurusan akuntansi tidak lagi anak yatim piatu yang tidak punya pembimbing akademik ketika teman2 lainnya Manajemen dan IE justru merasa luweh dan ga perlu dengan hal itu. Jujur, saya butuh bangeet DPA. Sejak awal saya akhirnya officially diterima di sini saya merasakan keterasingan seperti halnya pertama kali menginjak Padmanaba. Padahal jelas sekali Padmanaba dan FEB bukanlah tempat yang pertama kali saya datnagi sebelum saya benar2 tercatat di sana, saya sudah pernah menginjakkan kaki saya setidaknya lewat kompetisi PSC-Padmanaba Science Competition dan English Battle on Campus di FEB. Tapi tetaplah saya canggung, asing, dan merasa tak tentu arah. Itulah kenapa saya iri karena jurusa Akuntansi tak punya DPA.

DPA Akuntansi baru ada sejak semester ini. Telat sekali menurut saya. Pemberitahuan soal konsentrasi di Akuntansi pun baru diberikan setelah beberapa bulan masuk semester 5! Subhanallah banget saya kuliah di sini dengan semua hal yang baru yang terkesan prestige. Namun sayang, menurut saya, semua ini tidak terkelola dengan baik. Pergantian struktur di jurusan agaknya memberikan progres yang signifikan akan perhatian jurusan terhadap mahasiswanya. Atau jangan-jangan, hanya untuk mengejar label AACSB semata? Ya apapun orientasinya, sya bersyukur akhirnya pihak jurusan lebih aware pada substansi dan inti dari proses pendidikan atas. Mahasiswa. Kompetensi mahasiswa. Tidak lama saya lihat semacam syembara dari akademik jurusan bagi mahasiswa yang karya tulisnya di muat di harian media masaa. Ini sebuah progres yang patut diapresiasi. 

Setelah berjumpa dengan dosen DPA saya yang belum pernah saya temui sebelumnya di kantor rektorat, banyak hal yang saya kontemplasi banyak pencerahan. Terim akasih Bapak. Mohon doanya Pak semoga saya masih punya cukup waktu utk memperbaiki diri dan memfokuskan pada bidang ini. Dan motivasi pencerahan dari Bapak siapa lagi yang bisa menggantikannya? Bahkan Bapak Ibu saya yang merekomendasikan Akuntansi ini tak benar-benar soal keprofesian akuntansi.

Highlight dari pertemuan dengan dosen DPA saya yang keren lahir batin itu adalah NIAT-BERUSAHA FOKUS-Menulis terutama ke target kita apa-Terima apapun itu keberhasilan maupun kegagalan.

:"""""""""") saya merasa tak sendiri lagi di tempat ini. Terima kasih jurusan karena akhirnya mengabulkan permintaan DPA ini..

Accounting Fair Universitas Bakrie 2014: A-Essay

Accounting Fair Universitas Bakrie 2014: A-Essay: PENDAHULUAN Accounting Essay merupakan suatu perlombaan penulisan karya ilmiah dalam bentuk essay dengan tema yang berhubungan dengan ...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Rediscovering My Motivation

I recently tweeted an awkward moment of an absurd day on my timeline. It wasn't that special. However, I kept thinking on that coincidence. Not that it was such a coincidence. But that moment really made me think of what and why everything has been through. A talk with that stranger was a deep contemplation to me though it scared me a little.

Walking through the University hall way (Rektorat) in a rush, suddenly a stranger I thought I have never known before, stopped by and greeted me kindly. I was in a world of no where. I didn't intend to meet anyone nor to greet  stranger. Honestly, I was looking for a fresh air, exploring the university I have been in two years now, enjoying and rediscovering my self through the way. The old ancient building, the wind, the rustle on the trees nearby the gazebo, the crowds of students in Balairung, and just anything that can make me strong in my faith and belief. This moment that I finally found the triumph and privilege of pursuing higher studies that sometimes I don't realize and forget to praise to His mercy. This moment everytime I search for that kind of thrill walking in pride through the corner of this ancient university. I keep looking for that pride to my soul that I can eager on studying. 

Well, he told me that he had seen me a lot in the university central library. Then, I was amazed. Trying to remember who. Before that, within a quick phase, he asked me more questions that I felt like being interrogated. Where I study, in what year, and so on and so forth. Just those basic questions in the middle of the hallway in a not so convenient situation. When he came to that question, are you graduate student? I felt like, Gosh, No! So you're still undergrad. Yes. Inside I felt like am I that old looking oh man! May be because I have deepen my self into the library since the rebuilding of the new central library I kinda love the library alot. I feel the thrill of knowledge. I feel the triumph of pursuing college. I feel the freedom of becoming who I wanna be. I can see broader. I am not so bordered with the lifestyle and such things of the hedonism stereotype of business student you know. I enjoy a me time there so much.

You know what, after we separated. I walked on my own trying to find a corner, a quiet place, a gazebo that I would find convenient. There I kinda remember who I have met. Yes, that man was familiar. I think I remembered. He often became the imaam in the library's musholla. Now I remember.Then, I put my self into my handbook. Starting over my study for tomorrow's exam, the only accounting subject that i found very fun, Managerial Accounting with Ms. Wulan Wimbari, the best lecture ever for awarding me with "the most sincere speaker" on our last lecture. Thank you, Ms Wulan. I love you and will work hard on loving this world of Accounting, at least I have fallen in love with Managerial Accounting though it's surely nothing.

When I have deepen my mind into my textbook, I heard someone was opening the door behind me. I was kind of surprised. It's holiday and who would open the office. I gazed and looked away. That same person again. Oh Gosh, whats with all of these? 

Then he came by. Sitting on the chair in front of mine. I smiled and got back on my work. Well he asked if he could ask some questions and damn, I know what his questions would go. Anyway, one question that contemplates me was that he was curious about why I spent so much time at the library and what motivated me.

Frankly, I love the moment of a me time. I think the reason why I enjoy library is that I can be who I am no matter what people surround me would think of that. Such an individualist you might think. No, it's not that. I want to hijrah. Hijrah means menyepi, moving away from the crowds and the ordinary. FEB has been nice but I have my own way. I honestly feel tired with the routines and that same lifestyle and atmosphere of Economics Business student. I want a different atmosphere. At least that I am not late for balancing my academic nonacademic here. At this stage where I have been passing through two years college life with so many fascinating stories I found that I have been loosing something important and valuable inside of me. I promised that at the time I served as volunteering in SEF, I have to balance my work with my self immersing in the academic atmosphere. Library is the best place you know. 

Besides, moving to a new strange life of accounting economics and business student teach me how small and UN-knowledgable  I am within this field. I have to work hard. I have to build my mood rediscovering the motivation. I have to believe in. If I studied it wouldnt promise I would succeed. Otherwise, it would almost impossible I would succeed without studying hard. So, i would like to say, gudluck for my self! You are wonderful just the way you are. Keep on believing!