lovely picture

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sajak Debur Ombak-The Rhyme of Tidal Waves

Andai kau adalah laut
dan akulah butiran pasir
butir yang membaur lebur
berdesir, menguntai sajak debur ombak

Andai kau adalah butiran pasir
akulah sepoi angin
selaksa asa yang mengalir
melayangkan pelangi mimpi di atas mendung
lalu menyatu bersama debu
menghempas lepas di antara sajak debur ombak

Andai kau adalah laut
dan akulah butiran pasir
terberai aku di antara debu
hingga laut memeluk dalam setiap dekapannya
mengikat kuat setiap butir pasir
terukir indah jejak-jejak di atasnya
meski ombak akhirnya menyapu semua
setiap ia pasang dan surut

Andai kau, aku, kita, hanyalah ombak di laut
dalam deburku,
akan kuceritakan segalanya
kepada langit, awan, dan semesta
pun dalam dengkurku,
akan kukabarkan kepada dunia
dalam sajakku,
dalam sajakmu,
dalam sajak debur ombak.

Adakah gerangan ombak saling mendengar debur sajak mereka?

Pandansari, 9 Desember 2012
Nurisma Najma.


The Rhyme of Tidal Waves

If only you were the sea
and I were the sandy dunes
the particles that blend in one
oscillates, creating the rhyme of tidal waves

If only you were the sandy dunes
and I were the wind
flying the rainbow of dream over the dark clouds
eventually they become united in dust
released in between the rhyme of tidal waves

If only you were the sea
and I were the sandy dunes
in between the dust I would be separated
until the sea hugs in each of the greets
tie hard each of the sandy dune
the steps beautifully printed on
although the tide would finally clear everything
as the tide rises and falls

If only you, I, and we were only the tides on the ocean
in my tides,
I would tell anything
to the sky, clouds, and universe
as in my slumber,
I would greet the world
in my rhyme,
in your rhyme,
in the rhyme of tidal waves.

Would the waves listen to each other for they hear the sound of their rhymes?

Pandansari, 9 December 2012
Nurisma Najma.

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